Monthly Archives: November 2017

For some people, to really live means going on a dream vacation. This may be a vacation they have wanted for many, many years and has finally happened. For others, it may mean finding that perfect mate that they hoped for but thought they would never find. And then to others, it might be buying… Read Article →

As a child you had someone you looked up to. You might even have emulated their speech, mannerisms, or their walk. When you grew up you wanted to be just like them. Today, there are probably one or maybe a few people that you truly admire. You wish you could be more like them. You… Read Article →

You graduate from high school and then pursue a field of study in a vocation or either the work force. Either way, you decided to go into a field that you feel will make you a good living and that you enjoy. This is called your vocation. For many, they feel like they have a… Read Article →

What is it that makes you tick? What motivates you to go on in the midst of difficulty? A good, delicious meal is a great start. After that the company of a close friend seems to lift your spirits. Then again a long talk with your Lord and Savior always gives refreshment. One thing that… Read Article →

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