Monthly Archives: September 2017

You like it when life is full of possibilities and everything seems to going your way. For most of you, that probably describes your life most of the time. But there are times when out-and-out despair overwhelms you and you can barely function. For others, this is your attitude much of the time. The attitude… Read Article →

You like it when someone notices something good that you have done and tells you about it. This gives you a sense of satisfaction and often times gives you chill bumps. This is often a good thing since it not only makes you feel good, but also motivates you to go on and do other… Read Article →

Think for a moment of the people in your life that have had a profound influence in your life. They may have been people you met or people your read about or saw on TV. These could include your parents, a relative, a teacher, a pastor, a celebrity, or a host of other people. These… Read Article →

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