The Way To A Man’s Heart

What is it that makes you tick? What motivates you to go on in the midst of difficulty? A good, delicious meal is a great start. After that the company of a close friend seems to lift your spirits. Then again a long talk with your Lord and Savior always gives refreshment. One thing that seems to always take place before you move from doom to loom is some friendly words of encouragement. Encouraging words lift your spirit and propel you to reach or even exceed what you thought was a bleak moment.

Queen Victoria said of William Gladstone, “When I am with him, I feel I am with one of the most important leaders in the world.” But of Benjamin Disraeli she said, “He makes me feel as if I am one of the most important leaders in the world.” There is no doubt that Queen Victoria preferred the company of Benjamin Disraeli. You and everyone else just eat up a compliment, especially when it makes us feel important.

The Bible is full of encouraging words. It encourages you when you feel lonely, depressed, forgotten, overlooked, and even when you have sinned drastically and know you have blown it. Yes, the Scriptures are there to offer words of encouragement. It does not stop there, though. The Word of God commands believers to encourage one another in several places but let’s look at one instance: “Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another, just as you also are doing” (1 Thess. 5:11). Look carefully at this verse. It says that you are already encouraging one another, but you are to do so even more. You are to raise the bar of your encouragement to others. This is one area that most Christians are lacking in their Christian lives; most do not encourage near enough.

Encourage a brother or sister who could use a fresh, cool word of encouragement to refresh their weary, parched soul. Be known as an encourager! Start today! You never know when you might reap what you sow in a time of need in your life.