Your Called Vocation

You graduate from high school and then pursue a field of study in a vocation or either the work force. Either way, you decided to go into a field that you feel will make you a good living and that you enjoy. This is called your vocation. For many, they feel like they have a calling into this area of their life. In fact, a lot of people feel this is exactly what they were called to do in this life.

What is true of the vocational life is also true of the spiritual life. The gifts you have and the walk you have with the Lord equip you for a certain called ministry. One ministry that every believer is called to is the ministry of sharing the Good News of the Bible with unbelievers; thus you are all called to be evangelists. I understand that the evangelists are ministers who have a special calling from God, but in a sense we are all called to share what Christ has done for us, especially to those who have not yet believed. I am reminded of something I recently read—an evangelist is a nobody who is seeking to tell everybody about Somebody who can help change anybody. In that frame of mind, an evangelist refers to every Christian.

Every Christian is to be an evangelist in the broad sense of the word. Your job is to tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ. When you think about a Scripture reference to evangelism, you naturally think of the great commission in Matt. 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” This verse applies to all believers. Thus, it is something that you and I need to do consistently on a daily basis.

Just as you put your calling to your vocation to work daily, so you need to put your calling to your evangelist position to work daily as well. The Lord Jesus will do all the convicting. All you need to do is share and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit to convict.

Put your vocation of evangelist to work today!!