The Secret to Happiness

          You desire to live a happy life.  You want every day to be one of joy and happiness.  No one likes to be unhappy.  So, you do those things that bring the fulfillment you so desire.  In doing so, anything that keeps you from that fulfillment, you shy away from.

            You find that happiness is not found in material wealth.  If it were, movie stars and professional athletes would be the happiest people on earth; the fact that their marriages are short, tells you this is not true.  Where can you find such happiness?  William Arthur Ward sheds some light on this, when he said: “Happiness comes not from having much to live on but having much to live for.”  This happiness comes when you find fulfillment in life itself.

            Finding enjoyment in life itself is important.  It helps in your search for joy, while you are on earth.  It does bring joy, but everlasting contentment comes from something else.  As you search the Psalms, the secret to earthly happiness is spelled out plain and simple.  “Blessed (happy) is the man” (Psalm 1:1; NKJV).  I added “happy” to the verse, as that is actually what the “blessed” man means. Later in this chapter, Christ explains exactly how you can be happy.  “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night” (verse 2).  It is saying that the way to be a happy person is to love the Scriptures.  “The law of the Lord” is the Word of God.  So, learn to love to spend time in the Bible.  Then you are to meditate on it day and night.  You are to memorize the Scriptures, and think on those verses every waking hour.

            The secret to happiness is easy.  First, have a love for the Word of God.  Next, commit it to memory and think on it during your day.  Now, that is something to be happy about!

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