Bragging Rights

You like it when someone notices something good that you have done and tells you about it. This gives you a sense of satisfaction and often times gives you chill bumps. This is often a good thing since it not only makes you feel good, but also motivates you to go on and do other good works. This sense of accomplishment is good for you and good for those whom are helped by the accomplishment.

Of course, the greatest achievement you can do pertains to the Kingdom of God. The Holy Scriptures call them “good works.” When you do these “good works” you not only help others, but you also promote the Kingdom of God. These are your only accomplishments that will have eternal rewards in heaven. When looking at the kind of person who does “good works,” J. Hudson Taylor had it right when he said, “All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God, because they reckoned on God’s being with them.” Yes, the secret to doing great things for God is to understand that you can do nothing for God, and that God has to do everything.

The Bible is full of illustrations that show that to accomplish anything for God, you must die to self and live for the Kingdom of God. Let’s just look at a couple of these instances. First, look at the Lord Jesus Christ. Right before He goes to Calvary, He prays to the Father and tells Him, “I glorified Thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me to do” (John 17:4). I know what you are thinking; Jesus is God and I am not. But look at the Lord’s description of Himself, “for I am gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29). So He too was a weak man that depended wholly upon God being with Him. Next, look at what the apostle Paul says of his accomplishments, “For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me” (Romans 15:18). Notice, that Paul too is saying that the only accomplishments worthy of mentioning are those that have been done as he yielded himself to the Lord and let the Lord work in and through him.

Yes, I know you want to do big, mighty works for the Lord Jesus; the good news is you can. Just realize you are a weak person without the Lord and allow Jesus to work in and through you. You might even get chill bumps beyond your wildest imagination!!