Take Action Today

          You are probably like most people- putting off until tomorrow the things you could do today.  It is just so easy to get caught up with today’s activities that some things get put off until another day.  The problem with this is that with those things many times they never get done.  You have good intentions but they never become reality.

            A little play on words describes that activity: the things you will do tomorrow are the things you would have done today if you had thought about them yesterday.  You have good intentions, but some things never get done because you do not take the time to do them today.  I know your life is busy.  You have a lot on your plate.  The fact remains, though, that some activities that the Lord places on your heart need to be done sooner instead of later.

            The parable of the ten virgins is a parable teaching that preparedness is of the utmost importance.  There were five virgins that were wise and five were foolish.  The foolish ones did not bring enough oil with them as they waited for the bridegroom.  They asked the five wise virgins to share their oil with them.  The wise refused because they did not have enough for the foolish virgins and themselves.  The last verse in the parable teaches a great lesson: “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matthew 25:13, NKJV).  Yes, the verse is specifically teaching to be ready for Christ’s return to earth.  A broader application can also be applied to your life.  It is that you should be prepared, no matter what life situation it may be.

            Learn not to put off until tomorrow what you can do today.  Take that procrastination and throw it out the window.  Take action today!

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