Quality Before Quantity

You notice, as you look around you, that the emphasis is on quantity.  The focus is on having more, where the numbers overshadow everything else.  The number of books a person writes, the number of people in church, the number of campuses a church or school has, and on it goes.  The effectiveness of anything, seems to be measured by the quantity it produces.

The Stony Brook School on Long Island, New York, is a Christian preparatory school for boys founded in 1921 by Frank E. Gaebelein.  On his retirement in 1963 he was succeeded by his son, Don E. Gaebelein.  Inscribed on the school’s seal are these words: “Character before career.”  It is important for you to be a person of character.  That requires that you focus on doing the right thing, regardless.  You are to put character at the forefront of all you do.

Jesus must have thought that a few good men was better than a huge group of followers.  He chose only twelve men to “be with Him.”  If I were going to launch a full worldwide campaign I would not choose only twelve men.  I would enlist hundreds, if not thousands.  Jesus knew a few good men would have a better impact than a multitude of half-hearted men.

The Bible talks about you being a person of character.  In mentioning how you become a person of character, the way you get it may surprise you.  “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance, proven character” (Romans 5:3-4).  Wow!  To have Christ-like character in your life comes from your tribulations.  The heat of the fire in your tribulations refines you as fire does the gold.

Jesus stressed quality over quantity.  Scripture stresses receiving that character through trials.  That fiery test in your life is molding you into a quality Christian.  Keep looking up!

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