Moving Forward in Stressful Times

You may feel like you are boxed in on all sides; that no matter where you turn life has lost its meaning.  The joy of serving the Lord, and life in general, is nowhere to be found.  You are thinking that life must mean more than it does right now.

I have a solution for you: set some goals.  No matter what you are doing or not doing, life takes on new meaning when you have some established goals that propel you forward.  David Livingstone was a missionary in Africa who was greatly used of God there.  His missionary accomplishments were simply phenomenal.  When Livingston was finishing his work in Africa, someone said, “Now what will you do?”  He said, “I will go anywhere so long as its forward.”  Kudos to him!  Without goals pressing you forward, you stagnate or even move backwards.

The apostle Paul knew what suffering for Jesus was all about.  Other then Christ Himself, Paul suffered more than any other missionary.  As you read his letters, there is not a single word of bitterness.  Paul knew he had to focus on his mission and disregard everything else.  In Philippians 3:13-13, he says it this way: “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet, but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  Paul did not let anything get in his way of the goal he set.  You need to do the same.  Set a new goal and put your total, laser focus on obtaining it.

Yes, we live in stressful times right now.  To move forward in these stressful times requires you to set a goal and strive with all your strength to achieve it.  Notice, as you strive to reach your goal, that the stressful times just fade away behind you.

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