Needing A Little Bit More

You go through your life needing a little bit more of this and a little bit more of that.  The most significant area of life where you feel you need a little more is in regards to your money.  No matter how much you have, you always seem to need a little more.  It does not matter how much money you have, the need for more money always seems to exist.

The late Billy Graham was a spiritual giant of his time.  He was greatly used of God to bring tens of thousands of people to Christ through crusades, was an advisor to numerous presidents of the United States, and the best-selling author of several books.  When he was discussing money, he said this, “If a person gets his attitude toward money straightened out, then almost all other areas of his life will be straightened out.”  As you look at what you spend your money on, you get a real good look inside yourself to what you believe is really important.

The most popular verse on money used by pastors, and the most pertinent to your spiritual life, is 1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”  The first part of this verse is so familiar that nothing needs to be added.  Look at the end of the verse—“wandered away from the faith.”  You may not have the close relationship to God that you want or feel the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life, because your use of money does not bring glory to God.  Also, this verse says if you have “many griefs” they just may be contributed to the way you spend your money.

Needing a little bit more money is more of a spiritual issue than a material one.  When Jesus talked to His disciples in the sermon on the mount, his emphasis was being content.  Take a close look at how and where you spend your money; get that straight and everything else just falls in line.


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