How To Be A Blessing

You want to let other people know that you are a Christian.  Sharing God’s love for others causes you to slam on your spiritual brakes.  You feel unsure in how to share God’s love to those around you.  The desire is there, but your implementation is what you struggle with.

A quote from an unknown author sheds some light here: “There are two kinds of people—those who cause happiness wherever they go and those who cause happiness whenever they go.”  Look at the second part of that statement.  One kind of person causes happiness whenever they leave a situation.  In other words, you are happy to see them go.  Life is much brighter without them around.  The second kind of person you see at the beginning of the statement.  No matter where they go, they spread happiness.  It is implied that, when that person leaves, you are sad to see them leave; they spread happiness.

In talking about joy and happiness, the Scriptures give you some sound counsel, “A joyful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).  When your heart is full of joy, then you feel better.  Also, your joyful heart makes others around you feel better.  Your heart of joy is “good medicine” for you, and it is “good medicine” for how you relate to others.  It makes you enjoyable to be around.

Having a “joyful heart” allows you to have more fun on your earthly pilgrimage and is a great testimony to the world that you are a Christian.  Unbelievers wonder how you can be so joyful all the time.

If you want to be a blessing to others, learn to lean on the Holy Spirit to give you His joy.  After all, joy is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22; it is second, only to love.  Go into your world and spread a little joyful medicine around.  Now, that is being a blessing to others!

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