That Silver Lining

Your attitude plays an important part of how you perceive daily life.  It can make the difference between you feeling like an overcomer or a defeated person in the events that occur to you.  This is the most important decision you can make daily.  It is more important than prayer, Bible study, going to church, and even leading a person to saving faith in the Lord Jesus.  The reason for this is because without the proper attitude, you will do these things in the flesh and not in the Spirit.  Scripture tells you that anything done in the flesh has no heavenly reward.

To have the proper attitude you need to focus on the good things that are happening in your life, instead of the bad things.  You need to be an optimist.  That is a sure-fire way of having the right attitude.  When Goliath went to the Israelites, the soldiers all thought, “He’s so big, we can never kill him.”  But David looked at him and thought, “He’s so big, I can’t miss.”  It all depends on your perspective.

In talking about having the right attitude, the Holy Bible puts into words that reflect a person’s heart.  The heart is the seat of thoughts and emotions.  King Solomon, being the wisest person ever to have lived, puts it this way: “A joyful heart is good medicine” (Prov. 17:22a).  To have a heart that is joyful, requires you to have the correct attitude in life.

Having the right attitude is of utmost importance, and to have that right attitude requires you to be an optimist.  Every situation in life has two ways of looking at it; you can view circumstances as either positive or negative.  The choice is yours.  With the choice you choose determines your happiness while on earth.

Every storm cloud has a silver lining.  Face today, and every day, with an optimist attitude.

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