Everyone Has One

You have a relationship with the Lord Jesus; it may be a close relationship or a distant one, but you do have a relationship.  The manner in which you live your life dictates the place that Jesus Christ has in your life.

            You, also, have an opinion for many of the things that you do or think.  In discussing many of the issues of life, you express that opinion.  There are times that your opinion is given to someone else; this is typically called advice.  You give your advice to that other person, which typically expresses how you feel that person should behave or think in a particular life situation.

            There is a lot that can be revealed about a person by the advice that they give.  What you have to decide is how you are going to respond to advice others give you.  “It takes a great person to give sound advice tactfully, but it takes a greater person to accept it graciously” (Bits & Pieces).  The manner in which you either accept or reject advice, tells a lot about your character.  You are a rare person if you accept advice graciously.

            The Scriptures talk to you about accepting or rejecting the Word of Truth.  “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (James 1:22).  The Bible is the Word of God.  Knowing this fact is not enough.  The Holy Bible was never, ever written for information; it was written for transformation.  This started when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Your lifestyle should always be changing to look more and more like the life of Jesus every day of your life.  That is what Christians call sanctification.  This is living each day of your life by reading the Word, and by putting what it says about the way you are to live into daily practice.

            Yes, you a great person if you give sound advice, but you are a far greater person to accept advice humbly.  Listen, someone may be giving you some sound advice right now.

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