After Tying The Knot

Most teenagers can’t wait to get married   Although, more and more young people are waiting until their early twenties or afterward to enter into the marital lifestyle.  Those that do get married, find that after tying the knot, their relationship requires attention for it to flourish.

            “When Winston Churchill was prime minister of Great Britain, his marriage was considered one of the best examples in England of true loyalty and love.  Often, when he gave a speech in the House of Commons, he would not begin until he had received a sign from her.  Later in his life, someone interviewed Mr. Churchill and asked, ‘If you could live again, what would you want to be?’  With a twinkle in the eye, Churchill replied, ‘Mrs. Churchill’s next husband.’  What a benediction on marriage!  And what a monumental compliment for one’s wife” (quote by Mark Littleton).

            Men have you wondered exactly how someone like Winston Churchill could have such a marriage?  The Bible offers some sound advice, that if followed, will yield marital bliss on earth.  Look at the words of Scripture in Ephesians 5.  The mandate for a successful marriage falls on the man; see in verse 31 that the man is to leave his father and mother.  And the man is the “head of the wife” (v. 22).  So often husbands use that as a battering club to get the wife to submit to his every whim and wish.  That is not biblical.  Notice, the biblical mandate is for the husband to love his wife (vv. 25, 25, and 33).  The Lord knows that men at times can be thick-headed, thus the command to love your wife occurs three times in less than ten verses.  The reason almost all marriage problems exist is because the husband fails to love his life as he should.  The love Jesus requires from you for your wife is the love that Christ had for the church by dying for it to make it flourish (v.25).  Also, repeatedly the husband is commanded to love his wife as he loves himself (v. 28 and 33).  Once the husband loves his wife with that total, all-encompassing love to put her above his interests, then his wife will love and respect him (v. 33).

            Like the old saying goes guys, “Love is not love, until it is given away.”  Husbands put that extra effort into loving your wife.  What goes around, comes around.

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