That Perfect Gift

You like to receive gifts.  That is one reason you enjoy your birthday so much because you get gifts you truly enjoy.  The gift can be anything from money, to something you really wanted, to spending time with your family over a much-enjoyed meal.  Another holiday you enjoy is Christmas.  Getting together with family may be your primary motivation, but getting a gift from a loved one makes it really special, also.

A gift, that exceeds your wildest imagination, sometimes brings you to tears of joy.  A friend went to Alexander the Great asking for money.  The friend asks for ten talents of money, but Alexander had fifty delivered to him.  When the man returned and said that ten talents should be sufficient, Alexander replied, “Ten are sufficient for you to take, but not for me to give.”  The Lord God does exactly that in answering your prayers.  You ask for a little thing, but He answers with something far beyond what you could even imagine.

The writer of Hebrews had that thought in mind when he wrote, “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (4:16).  That verse is full of biblical theology and personal application.  Briefly stated, this verse exhorts every believer to pray with confidence to the throne of God.  This is done because God’s throne is one of “grace,” where He dispenses His grace.  The result of you praying to God on His “throne of grace” is that you are the recipient of “mercy” and “grace to help in time of need.”

You receive “mercy” which means you do not get the penalty you deserve.  You, also, receive “grace” which means you get blessings that you do not deserve.  That perfect gift from heaven above is only a prayer away.  Ask God for it right now!