How To Be Greatly Used By God

Now that you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you want to be greatly used by Him.  Your heart’s desire is that your earthly pilgrimage will make a difference for the kingdom of God.  Your daily prayer is, “Lord, use me today for your kingdom’s glory.”

You read about other Christians making an impact for Christ and desire to do likewise.  D. L. Moody was an evangelist of yesteryear; he was not a graduate from a Christian college and had no formal Christian education.  Yet, he was used mightily by God to win scores and scores of people to Christ.  A group of pastors were discussing the possibility of having D. L. Moody serve as an evangelist at a state-wide evangelistic campaign.  One minister was reluctant to have Moody speak.  “Why Moody?” he asked.  “Does he have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit?”  The question was followed by a hushed silence.  “No, Moody does not have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit.  But he Holy Spirit does have a monopoly on D. L. Moody.”  Yep, the Holy Spirit makes a difference in living and serving Christ.

The Lord Jesus talked to His disciples, and indirectly to us, as He talked to them about the coming of the Holy Spirit after He would be resurrected, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8a).  The Holy Spirit will empower you to accomplish great and mighty things for the kingdom of God.

To be greatly used by God requires that you “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”  The Bible and Christian works are spiritual not worldly.  You cannot accomplish spiritual fruit any other way than by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Go into your world and accomplish great things by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you.  Ask the Lord Jesus today to fill you with the Spirit!