The Dark Side Of Leadership

Everyone wants to make a difference in this world for the glory of God; at least those who are faithfully following the Lord Jesus.  So often as the intensity increases in your love and dedication to scriptural truth, so does the criticism and even attacks upon your life.  It seems like the harder you try to live the Christian life, the emotional and spiritual attacks from others, often Christians, increase exponentially.

One person who knew what it felt like to be criticized was the late president Abraham Lincoln.  He made some hard decisions that many did not like, thus came the onslaught of massive criticism.  He says it best in his own words, “If I tried to answer all the criticisms of me and all the attacks leveled at me, this office would be closed for all other business.  My job is not pleasing men, but doing the best I can.  If in the end I am found to be wrong, ten legions of angels swearing I was right will not help me; but if the end proves me to be right, then all that is said about me will amount to nothing.”  It takes long and hard resolve in your mental thinking to have such an attitude.

The Bible is full of believers who, as their faith and actions to live that truth increased, so did the criticism of others increase.  Scripture warns followers of Christ that they will experience hardships and criticism.  Often as the application of truth increases, then so do the hardships and criticisms.  “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert.  Your, adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  And guess how Satan attacks you?  He does it through other people.  Satan delights in causing emotional and spiritual heartache to Christians.

Scripture in the next verse tells believers how to defeat Satan and those he uses to assault Christians: “But resist him, firm in your faith.”  Yes, the way to resist Satan and those people who bring heartache and criticism your way is to stand resolute in your faith through living by what Scripture teaches and leaning heavy on the Holy Spirit for His peace and assurance.

Be sure of one thing; if you are making a difference in the kingdom of God, then criticism, and often lots of criticism, is soon to follow.  That dark side to leadership just lets you know you are doing exactly what you should be doing.  Keep following Jesus!