The Road To Maturity

When you are a young child or even a teenager you can’t wait to be an adult.  You think of it often and anticipate the day that you will be all grown up.  What is true of the young child or the teenager is also true of the new believer in Jesus Christ.  You can’t wait until you are a mature Christian.  The question one has to ask though is, “How do you become a mature believer?”

There are many disciplines of the Christian life that you could do to aid you in maturing in your Christian life: becoming a prayer warrior, studying the Scriptures, memorizing Scripture, participating in roles of service in your local church, just to name a few.  Maturity does not come quickly; it takes time.   It takes time doing the right things.  An unknown author states it this way: “A little thing is a little thing; but faithfulness in little things is a very great thing.”  That simple statement is chug full of wisdom.  The road to Christian maturity is paved with the discipline of doing a whole lot of small things.

Jesus thought it a good idea to teach His disciples that very same principle.  He told them the parable of the talents.  Remember, Jesus told them how one slave was entrusted with five talents when his mater went away on a trip.  That servant gained five more talents in his master’s absence.  Jesus has this to say to that slave, “His master said to him, ‘Well done good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge on many things, enter into the joy of your master’” (Matt. 25:21).  In a nutshell, the road to maturity is to keep doing the small things God places in your lap, and one day they will be rewarded with greater things.

Stay on the road of maturity doing the little things.  God in His timing will give you greater things.  Faithfulness to the Lord Jesus, during thick and thin, yields huge dividends!