Overcoming Heartache

You are not on earth very long before you experience the pain of disappointment or rejection.  Children are by no means little innocent darlings who would never hurt anyone.  You can probably remember well the time someone you played with as a child or a classmate said or did some hurtful thing to you.  The sad news is that the event you remember was not the last time it happened.  It seems as though life on planet earth is full of hard feelings and disappointments.

The Scriptures remind you that life here on planet earth is not your home, nor should you expect a life of roses while here either.   Jesus knew that the Christians life on earth would be full of pain and trouble.  Jesus put it this way, “In the world you shall have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).   Then also remember when Jesus was talking to His disciples and He told them that if He was persecuted, then His disciples (and Christians) should expect to be persecuted as well (John 15:20).

Enough of the problem.  Now, how should you handle the “tribulation” brought on while here on earth?  Again, the Bible is not silent.  Paul probably knew more about pain, agony, and persecution for being a Christian than anyone else, other than our Lord Himself.  In talking to the Philippian Christians about how they should handle themselves in their daily conduct, he wrote these words, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you” (5:1-2).  He states that the Christian is to “walk in love” the same way Christ loved you, even when you were in rebellion to Him before salvation.  The Scots have a saying that goes like this, “Love must be felt, than tellt.”  Actions speak louder than words; I know, I know you have heard that a zillion times.  The truth is, it is so true.  When you express love, you act just like Christ, and He says that also yields big rewards one day in heaven.

A Hindu manufacturer told Stanley Jones why he had come to one of his meetings.  “Years ago when I was a boy we heckled a missionary preaching in the bazaar—threw tomatoes at him.  He wiped off the tomato juice from his face and then after the meeting took us to the sweet shop and bought us sweets.  I saw the love of Christ that day, and that’s why I am here.”  Love is the answer.

Let’s face it, in your own strength and abilities there is no way in the world that you can show love like that missionary above did.  Then how can you live that kind of life?  One, and only one way—through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus, again, knew the life the Christian should live is utterly impossible on his own strength.  Thus, He sent Someone to help.  Jesus said, “but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8).  Part of that “power” of the “Holy Spirit” is that the Holy Spirit enables you to live a supernatural life, instead of handling your problems in the flesh.  Then, and only then, can you live the victorious life Christ has called you to live.

Yep, love is the answer.  Not the way you naturally love, but by supernatural love found only through a life controlled by the Holy Spirit.  Let Christ fill you with His  power of the Holy Spirit right now!