Being All In

Whenever you want others to know that no matter what others do that they can count on you, you say something like, “I am all in.”  This gives others the assurance that no matter how difficult it may become, they can count on you.  It may be when you are part of a sports team, or when implementing new organizational guidelines at work, or giving more money at church, or being more faithful in some church discipline, or whenever.  The fact is, you assure others that you will put forth an added effort to make something succeed.

Often times when you make such a commitment, you have to make some sacrifices.  You must change some part of your life.  This can be very costly to you in some way.  A pig said to a chicken, “What shall we have for breakfast?”  The chicken suggested, “Let’s have ham and eggs.”  The pig said, “Oh no, not ham!”  The chicken replied, “Why not?  I’ll furnish the eggs and you the ham.”  The pig then said, “For you it’s involvement; but for me it’s total commitment.”  Ha!  Ha!  Commitment, more often than not, requires some level of sacrifice.

King David penned such words in Ps. 37:5, “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it.”  Yes, David knew well what it meant to put one’s whole and complete commitment into the Lord’s hands.  He says in this psalm that you should commit to the Lord and have the faith that He, and He alone, will allow you to accomplish your goal.  The result is that God will do exactly what you have trusted and committed Him to do.

Stop right now and determine what the Lord Jesus is telling you to commit to Him.  The next step is to commit it to Him with your whole heart, which verse 5 says that the Lord Jesus will bring to pass.  That is what being all in is all about.