A Prick In The Heart

You are not long on this earth before you experience that painful dart of criticism. It seems most people had rather complain and offer criticism to what you want to do, than there are those who affirm and encourage you. Criticism comes in all shapes and sizes, but one thing is for sure, if you are living according to God’s plan for your life, then that piercing dart digs deep within your soul. The fact is that criticism is as certain as the sun rising every morning. You are going to experience it.

Abraham Lincoln was someone who experienced a lot of criticism in his life. He knew what it was like and had to live with the blows delivered by others. He has some timely words to say about criticism: “If I tried to answer all the criticisms of me and all the attacks leveled at me, this office would be closed to all other business. My job is not pleasing men, but doing the best I can. If in the end I am found to be wrong, ten legions of angels swearing I was right will not help me; but it the end proves me to be right, then all that is said about me now will amount to nothing.” Honest Abe gives you some great, sound advice—do the best you can in the strength of the Lord and let the chips fall where they may. And may I add, stop trying to please everybody else. There will always be somebody to come along and try to pop your bubble.

The Scriptures tell you some great advice on keeping criticism at bay. It is advice that you can apply to yourself and to your relationships with others. “A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word” (Prov. 15:23). These are words of encouragement. When you are criticized, the best thing you can do is first evaluate to whether it is true or not. If true, they you make the necessary changes. If not, then throw it off and think of something positive. Self-thought is powerful in your life. Your self-thought dictates the way you feel and act, “As he thinks within himself, so he is” (Prov. 23:7).

Let the Lord Jesus’ words encourage you to throw off the darts of criticism and reinforce your mind with positive thoughts!!