Valentine’s Love

Every year on February 14 lovers send flowers, cards, balloons, stuffed animals, etc. to their loved one. What an expression of sentiment that shows to the other person. How elated these loved ones feel when they send, as well as, receive such gifts. I say, “May their tribe increase.” You need to spread more love around. What concerns me though, is that seldom, if ever, those gifts of love show up, except on Valentine’s Day. I think that is tragic. For most folks, expressions either verbally or materially are not expressed except on that day. Let’s start by changing that in your life and just maybe the trend will catch on to others, as well.

Also, the sad thing about that love is that it is shown only on Valentine’s Day. It is worldly vice spiritual in nature, usually. Even a lot of Christians fail to express Christ-like love to their love one on a consistent basis. Christ died because He loved you so much that He was willing to die so that you could live abundantly on earth and in heaven. A Hindu manufacturer told Stanley Jones (an evangelist) why he had come to one of his meetings. “Years ago when I was a boy we heckled a missionary preaching in the bazaar—threw tomatoes at him. He wiped off the tomato juice from his face and then after the meeting took us to the sweet shop and bought us sweets. I saw the love of Christ that day, and that’s why I’m here.” Wow! Would you have responded that way? Only Christ’s love lived in your daily life moment by moment will allow you to respond that way.

I can hear you now, “That is fine for him, after all he is a missionary, but I am not.” That is true. Before you get to feeling too smug in your pride, look at what the apostle Paul told the Christians in Ephesus they were to do (and by reference every Christian is to do): “and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us…” (Eph. 5:2). That verse does not beat around the bush. It commands you to love others in the same manner that Jesus Christ loved others while on earth. I know that is impossible. That is, it is impossible in your own strength, but not with the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in you empowering you to daily moment-by-moment exercise that Christ-like love.

Celebrate! It’s Valentine’s Day. Do something and say something that lets your valentine “know” he/she is special to you. While you’re at it, spread a little Christian love around, too!