Where To Go From Here

Life is full of decision points. You do not have to be very old before there are decisions that have to be made. What school do I attend? What do I major in while in school? What job best suits your interests? Where should I live? Whom should I marry? Is a career change best at this phase of your life? On and on the decision points arise in your life. They start early in life and continue for the rest of your life. How can you know the best decision to make? Maybe just maybe, that requires some wise wisdom from others. This includes getting wise counsel from the Creator of the universe.

Martin Luther the reformer had a strong walk with God to be able to withstand the forcible ridicule and rejection he received from the established church. He tells you some wise words on getting guidance in your time of need. He puts it this way: “I know not the way he leads me, but well so I know my Guide.” That is very sound advice. The decision points may puzzle you and the way the Lord God leads you may not be clear, but you can stand firm in the decision, because you know the Guide.

It is very satisfying to the soul to know that the Lord Almighty intervenes in your life to guide and direct your every path. The best part is He sees the future and knows what is best for you. There is no guesswork involved in the decision making process when you follow your Guide’s advice. The Scriptures talk of this as well in Isaiah 58:11, “And the Lord will continually guide you…” It is a reassuring fact to know that the Lord actually directs your paths. There is a catch to this thought though—you have to follow Martin Luther’s advice and know the Guide. This means knowing Him intimately. You cannot have a casual relationship with Him and expect Him to jump in at the last minute of a critical decision and speak to you. God does not want to be your friend; He wants to be your very best friend.

Start the New Year off by really getting to know the Guide who wants desperately to know you and guide you!!!