Overcoming The Blues

Life is full of disappointments. You start off with a positive outlook perhaps focusing on positive thinking, then all of a sudden life takes a turn and you are disillusioned at the best and devastated at the worst. Life seems to be just one series of one disappointment after another with the gaps filled in with a few joyous times. That brings a very appropriate question: is contentment really available in this pilgrimage of life on earth for yourself?

Contentment seems to be centered on what you are committed to. The more committed you are to finding a joyous life and feeling content in every situation, the more that contentment seems to elude your grasp. First, we must be committed to something that is not elusive. A pig said to a chicken, “What shall we have for breakfast?” The chicken suggested, “Let’s have ham and eggs.” The pig said, “Oh no, not ham!” The chicken replied, “Why not? I’ll furnish the eggs and you furnish the ham.” The pig then said, “For you it’s involvement; for me it’s total commitment.” Ha! Ha! To be content sometimes requires total commitment, but total commitment to what?

The Bible is not silent when it comes to describing the essentials that you need in your daily life, and contentment is no exception. Paul learned how to be content. Here is a guy ship wrecked, beaten unmercifully, coming close to death for his faith on several occasions, and facing rejection for his faith on numerous occasions. Look at what he tells you in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Did you get that? Basically, he is saying that no matter how difficult life on earth becomes, that he has learned to be content. That tells you that being content is a process; contentment must be learned. It must be learned, but how is it obtained? What must you do to learn contentment? Here again, the Scriptures are not silent; they reveal the answer. Look in verse 13; this well known verse tells you how to be content no matter what comes your way: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Contentment in whatever life or the devil brings your way is conquered by focusing on Christ and getting the strength to overcome the heartache from the Lord Christ.

Disappointment got you down? The way to contentment is by focusing your attention on Christ not your problem and getting the strength to over come it for the Eternal Victor, Jesus!!