God Knows What Is Best

Pastor’s Pen

By Dr. Robin Brumfield


God provides for us in just the right way we need Him to supply for us. Sometimes, we may wonder why a certain thing happens or why other things don’t happen. God in His wisdom knows just how to supply our needs. Our part is to put our trust in Him and follow Him in what He tells us to do. We may wonder why, but He wants us just to trust Him.

A man was questioning God’s arrangement of the universe. He said, “Why does God make a big tree with small nuts, and a small plant with large watermelons? It doesn’t make sense.” Just then a nut fell out of the tree and hit him on the head. He said, “Thank God, that wasn’t a watermelon.” Ha!  As much as we may wonder why God does certain things, at certain times of our lives we realize that He really does know best.

Jesus did not always want to follow what He knew was God’s best for His life, either. I am reminded of His prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. This happened right before Jesus was arrested by the Roman soldiers to be crucified. Not once, not twice, but three times Jesus prayed the same prayer, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). Jesus did not want to go through the pain and anguish that lay before Him, but surrendered His wants and desires for God’s plan for His life.

Christ is our example. Thus, when we have our backs against the wall and realize the road ahead may be uncertain or even painful, let’s do what Jesus did—submit our wants and desires to the Lord God’s plan for our lives. There really is no other more fulfilling way to live our lives. A mind shift is needed and is needed NOW!!!!