Meant to be Shared

            There are so many things that are meant to be shared.  Like when you are a kid, sharing a soft drink and a candy bar with a friend.  Sharing your car with that teenager, who just got their driver’s license.  In the marital relationship, sharing that bonus you received or some unexpected income with your mate.

            Those are all things you share with others.  There are many, many more things you can mention, when you think of sharing something in your life.  In all the instances, though, they are all shared with someone else.  The good times in your life are much more enjoyable, as you share them with someone else.  Mark Twain was an author who was a master in using words.  He was a wordsmith, who made you feel a part of the story he was telling.  In relation to friendships, he said: “To get the full value of joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.”  Think about that for a few seconds.  Yes, when you have something enjoyable, you can find joy in doing it yourself.  But when you include someone else, it becomes a double joy.

            Tucked away in the book of Proverbs is a verse that tells you that friends are a commodity to behold.  A friend is a person you should treasure most highly.  “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.  But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (18;24, NKJV).  If you are going to keep friends, then you must be a friend to them.  Their worth is very much appreciated.  You know this, because you and a brother are very close.  You are siblings.  You share the same blood.  You would do anything for a brother.

            You are to share your life with friends, because, as you share with them, they become closer to you, than even a “brother.”  Go spend some quality time with a friend today!

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