A Special Day for a Special Person

There are a number of people in your life that rank as the title of “special person.” It may be a teacher.  A mother.  A father.  A school teacher.  A spouse.  A child.  No matter who they are, you have that relationship with them that screams — favored one.  Your list may even have someone not listed above.  To most of you one such person is your boss at work.  With this Saturday being National Bosses Day, a huge shout out to those in the work force that manage personnel.

Try to look at your workplace from the view point of that person in charge.  That person is responsible for all those underneath him/her to give a good day’s work for a good day’s pay.  Your boss must deal with some employees that buck the system, cut corners, and output the least amount of work that they can get away with.  “There are two reasons why some people can’t mind their own business.  One is that they haven’t any mind, and the other is that they haven’t any business” (‘Typo Graphic’).  😆😆  You chuckle.  The fact of the matter is that those wise words are spot on.  Fortunately for your boss, there are not many workers that share either of the above work ethics.

You may ask, I know the above behavior is not honoring to the Lord, so how then show I spend my day at my job?  Good question.  The answer lies in a verse, where the Scriptures discuss a warning against idleness: “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order; if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat either” (2 Th. 3:10).  There are two New Testament Greek words used in the Holy Bible that can be translated “work.”  One means “act, deed, labor.”  The other Greek word means in English – “perform, produce.”  This second word that is used is the verse above.  Thus, if you do not perform your job well, when at work, then the Scriptures say you are not to eat.  Or, stated another way, if you do not produce well on the job, you are not to eat.

Your boss works hard on the job.  Because you know the Scriptures say, “do your work heartily, as unto the Lord” (Col. 3:23).  You do your best on your job.  Congrats!  Show your boss this week in some tangible way that he/she is special!

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