Being Different

You are probably like most people and want to fit into the group.  You like it when you have the approval of others.  When you are different, it makes you feel uncomfortable.  Peer pressure holds you tight, whether you admit it or not.  You like the feeling of being one with the crowd.

As a Christian, you are taught in the Scriptures to be different from unbelievers.  As you run in tight circles with those who do not know Christ, being different is difficult. Being different as a Christian requires you to behave differently in this world.  For Christ to be made known, others must see Christ in you.  Christ has no hands but your hands to do His work today.  He has no feet but your feet to lead men in His way.  He has no tongue but your tongue to tell men how He died.  He has no help but your help to bring them to His side.  Thus, you must be different from the world to be a witness for Christ.

In talking about being different from the world, the Scriptures tell you exactly how to do this.  Romans 12:1 offers the prescription: “Therefore I urge you, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”  As you live your life as a “holy sacrifice” which is “acceptable to God,” your life will be different from the majority of people with whom you rub shoulders.

Although you want to fit in with everyone you associate with, as a Christian, you are often required to be different.  Being a “holy sacrifice” means that you are set aside for God’s use.  You live on earth; that is Satan’s domain.  Living a holy life will rub cross-grain to those not saved.

There is so much Scripture exhorting you to live a life on earth that is different from unbelievers.  So go into your world and be “a holy sacrifice”!

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