The Reason You Are Comforted

When trials come to an end in your life, you take a big breath of fresh air and enjoy the renewed freshness of peace that the Holy Spirit brings.  You know that God loves you and wants you to grow in that relationship with Him.  Trials are the method that Christ uses to make Christians grow in their relationship with Him.

What is the reason for those trials in your life?  Of course, there are many reasons for the trials and tribulations of your earthly pilgrimage.  Let’s look at one reason that is often overlooked.  You are comforted so that you in turn can comfort others.  You do not have to be tempted in exactly the same way that someone else is tempted.  The manner you are comforted rings true for others.  John Henry Lewett was a pastor and theologian from years past.  Take note of what he says about why you are comforted by the Lord: “God does not comfort us to make us comfortable but to make us comforters.”

Notice that the New Testament is filled with Christians that go to other Christians for the sole reason to offer comfort.  “I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts” (Eph. 6:22).  Yes, Tychicus was sent to that church with one main purpose— “that he may comfort your hearts.”  That is how important it is for you to be a comforter of those undergoing trials around you.

The reason God comforts you are many, but one of the reasons is for you to be a comforter to those God brings into your life.  Those undergoing trials desperately need some relief.  Part of their relief comes from fellow Christians coming alongside them and comforting them.  Giving comfort is part of what Christian fellowship is all about.  Remember, you are not comforted so you can be comforted, but you are comforted so you can comfort others.

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