The Result Of Being Spirit Filled

When you became a Christian, there was a sudden change that happened inside you.  You may have felt tremendous joy or peace.  You had an assurance that you are now going to heaven instead of hell.  The result of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, was that you wanted others to have the same salvation experience you had.

Having boldness to speak to others about Christ is a natural phenomenon.  In the Westminster Abbey, a monument to Lord Lawrence has inscribed on it his name, his date of death, and these words: “He feared man so little because he feared God so much.”  Think one reason you may not be the witness God would want you to be is because you do not fear God as you should.  There is much talk about fearing God in such a way as to have a holy reverence for Him.  That is true and you should do that.  Also, because of this, there is a loss of boldness to speak out for God.

Paul, in writing to the Ephesians, asked those Christians to “pray at all times in the Spirit” (6:18).  You need prayer to go forth and be the witness God wants you to be.  Paul goes on to say to those Christians specific requests he needed them to pray for: “and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness, the mystery of the gospel” (6:19).  He needed boldness and so do you.

This boldness is a result of being Spirit filled.  Time and time again Scripture says that as a result of someone being filled with the Holy Spirit, boldness occurs.

Start today by praying for boldness to tell others what God has done in and through you.  Next, step out and act on that prayer of faith and be a bold witness.