Getting Where You Want To Be

Life is full of opportunities.  No matter which way you turn, the course of your life will be affected by the decisions you make.  If you make unwise choices, your life will turn out completed different than when you make wise choices.  As you evaluate the lives of people, either living or dead, you notice that where they wind up is based on the decisions they made earlier in life.

Yogi Berra has a profound saying dealing with one’s lifetime decisions, “If you don’t know where you are going, you may end up someplace else.”  Ha!  Ha!  To get where you want to be takes determining where you want to go and then setting goals to get there.  Anyone who is successful got to where they are in life by setting goals and putting forth the effort to reach them.

The Wisdom Literature of the Bible states, “Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3).  When you “commit your works” you have a definite plan of what you want to accomplish.  The “works” are those things that you will do to accomplish your desired goal.  Those things you commit “to the Lord.”  This means that you present the goals you have in mind to the Lord Jesus for Him to lead you in accomplishing them.  That is what the verse means when it says, “your plans will be established.”  As Jesus works in and through the events in your life, He causes the plans you have to become reality.  Notice, it is the Lord who establishes your plans, not yourself.

You have a definite place in your life that you would like to be.  The only way to get there is to set some goals and strive toward them, seeking the Lord’s direction in your life.  So, getting where you want to be starts with setting goals and working toward them, while at the same time praying and asking the Lord to lead you to accomplish your goal.  Your life will forever be changed!