The Daily Sunday

When you became a Christian, you realized that Sunday was a day to worship the Lord Jesus Christ.  That fact is one of the first things that a new believer learns.  So, you attend church and make it a priority in your life.  If you are not careful, you live for Christ on Sunday but the rest of the week you do as you please.  The tendency of so many believers is that Sunday is a day to attend church and the rest of the time is for other things.  Sunday becomes the only day of the week when you are spiritual.

This should not happen; this is not biblical.  Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that Sunday is the only day of the week to be spiritual.  In fact, it teaches otherwise.  Even the great thinkers of yesteryear did not believe that.  The truth be told, today’s trials and battles that a Christian face are the same ones that have existed in days gone by.  That great reformer who gave his life for the cause of Christ, Martin Luther, had this to say about this subject, “Live as if Christ died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back again tomorrow.”  Now, that is a way to live your life.  That should put some fire in your belly.

Like I said, the Scriptures are right in line with what Martin Luther said.  Jesus was talking to His disciples, and telling them the cost they had to pay if they wanted to be His disciples (i.e., someone who believes in Christ and accepts Him as their Lord and Savior) in Luke 9:23, “And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.’”  Notice, to be a true believer requires you to stop living your life the way you want to live it.  You must live your life according to what the Bible tells you to do.  And how often are you to do this?  That verse says, “daily.”  Thus, Sunday actually happens every day you are alive.  You are not to do as you please every day but Sunday.  You are to live the Christian life each and every day.

Take Martin Luther’s words to heart, and wake up every morning with enthusiasm and purpose to live that day according to the Word of God.  You will be glad you did when you hear that trumpet call one day!