Words That Hurt

You like other people to like you. You go out of your way to be cordial and friendly toward others. With most people you are known as a really nice person. The way you do this is by not getting real close to other people. As long as you stay at arm’s length from others you feel comfortable and they accept you as a mild mannered person.

The fact is that you cannot stay at an arm’s distance from everyone. You do, in fact, get close to a few people. It is these folks that see not only your good character but the flaws that you have as well. One of these not so favorable character traits that you have, which arises from time to time, is to allow anger to come between you and those you love. You really do not like it and you definitely do not plan it, but anger causes division between yourself and your loved ones.

When one person was discussing their anger they posed it this way: “When a man’s temper gets the best of him, it reveals the worst of him.” That is so true! When a person’s temper gets the best of him, the very worst part of his/her personality rises to the occasion. So often when anger rages in you, you say and even do things you would not even think of doing if you were not in that state.

The Scriptures talk about a person getting angry and losing their temper. The Wisdom Literature has some great insights in this area: “A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but the slow to anger pacifies contention” (Prov. 15:18). There may be a little misunderstanding going on between you and someone else, but let your anger take control and just notice how your anger increases strife between you and them by the bucket loads. Where there was disharmony there is now out and out conflict. Words and actions are exchanged that cut to the core. Verse 18 also gives an antidote: be slow to anger. This may require mental and emotional restraint, but the results are so soothing. Instead of emotions escalating and getting out of control, you and the other(s) involved can peacefully discuss what is needed.

Let your best part of your personality show by being slow of anger. It may take a little time and work, but the rewards are so worth it. Start controlling it today!