Overcoming Fear

We live in a society full of fear. Everywhere we look on each corner of our life is filled with fear. Fear of having too many bills as the month comes to a close, fear that our children will not live for the Lord, fear that as our health beings to decline with age that we will not end well, and on and on it goes. Fear has a way of gripping our inner soul and strength and zapping us of all our energy. Fear lurks behind every corner.

One sage wrote about this fear clearly: “In time, and as one comes to benefit from experience, one learns that things will turn out neither as well as one hoped for nor as badly as one feared” (Jerome S. Bruner). This should give you hope, but the fact is that you still fear the outcome. Fear comes like a burglar in the night to steal away your peace. There must be something, at least anything, that can give you peace of mind.

The Lord Jesus Himself addresses this issue in John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Jesus is saying that all that life has to offer on this earth is “tribulation” or fear. His command is next to “take courage” because “I have overcome the world.” To overcome life’s struggles and fears you have to first attack them courageously. How do you do that? By realizing that life’s struggles and fears are much greater than you are; you cannot conquer them on your own. You need Someone to help you, namely the Lord Jesus Himself.

The Lord overcame all that fear dared to challenge Him with. Now, He tells you to put your faith and confidence in Him to overcome whatever fears life brings your way. Like the Lord, Himself, said: “I have overcome the world” so you can “take courage in Me.” The Lord Jesus will give you the ability to overcome whatever comes your way. Trust Him completely so He can accomplish what He said He would do. Then you will really be free!