How To Find Direction In Life

When you are in unfamiliar territory, you often seek guidance from others. If you are planning a big vacation, sometimes you seek the advice of a tour guide. In school, when you are undecided on a major to pursue, the help of a career guidance counselor is often helpful. Guidance to solve the knotty issues of life is more often than not solved when you seek the help of a guide in a pastor, counselor, or friend who knows you well. Thus, guidance is something that you seek on a fairly regular basis.

Talking about spiritual guidance, Barbara G. Ryberg puts it this way: “ He does not lead me year by year, not even day by day, but step by step my path unfolds; tomorrow’s plans I do not know, I only know this minute, but He will only say, ‘This is the way, by faith now walk ye in it’ … what need to worry then or fret? The God who gave His Son holds all my moments in His hand and gives them, one by one.” Yes, the Lord God directs your steps each and every day. There is a need to seek His guidance and lean on Him for each and every decision you daily make.

King Solomon was the wisest person to ever walk on this earth. In his Wisdom Literature, he gives you advice on how to live every moment of every day: “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9). You can make plans for what you want to do and what you want to accomplish in life. The Lord will cause you to actually walk in the way that He wants you to go, if you are seeking His counsel in your life.

One thing is certain. When your back is up against the wall and you do not know what direction to turn, you will seek the guidance of someone else. Doesn’t it make sense to seek the guidance from the Creator whom made you just the way He wanted you to be?

Let’s go to the Designer of your life first when seeking guidance in some matter. You will find God’s guidance is always the best counsel to follow. The Lord is waiting to lead you. Seek His guidance right now!