Shaking The Salt Shaker

Some days you start out the door in the morning and feel on top of the world; other days you drag yourself out feeling completely defeated before the day even begins. No matter how your day starts, you feel better and make others feel better by spreading a little joy around. A pleasant smile and a few words of encouragement to others is often all it takes to make your day and their day, as well.

Too often that smile showing those whites along with positive, encouraging words are neither expressed to us nor expressed by us to others. The result is often disastrous. A. J. Cronin had an unusual experience in New York City. He took a taxi and once inside could tell from the driver’s expression and the way he slammed the gears that something was wrong. He asked the driver what the trouble was. “I’ve got good reason to be sore,” he growled. “One of my fares left a wallet in my cab this morning. Nearly three hundred bucks in it! I spent more than an hour trying to trace the guy. Finally I find him at his hotel. He took the wallet without a word and glared at me as though I meant to snitch it.” “He didn’t reward you?” Cronin asked. “Not a cent, and me on my time and gas. But it wasn’t the dough I wanted…” He fumbled for words, then exploded, “It the guy had only said something.” The guy definitely was unkind and uncompassionate toward the taxi driver.

If we are not careful, as Christians, we can lack tact when it comes to showing true Christian character in our dealings with others. Colossians 3:12 gives you and me straight talk about how to be salt in this perverse world we live in: “And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Time will not allow examining all these, so let’s focus on the first two: “put on a heart of compassion and kindness.” If you up your game on being more compassionate and kind, then others will surely know it. Jesus commands us to be “salt” and part of being salt to weary souls is to show compassion and kindness.

Shake that saltshaker of Christ-like attributes and add a little compassion and kindness toward the way you relate and converse with others. Add a glowing, friendly smile and you’re irresistible!!