To complete almost any task worth undertaking requires that you keep on track. It does not matter if it is to complete school, stay employed at work, raise your kid(s) in a healthy environment, keep the passion going in a relationship, or just about anything else. Knowing that the race you are in is… Read Article →
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Today there is a total eclipse of the sun in various parts of the United States. It has caused such a stir in many parts of America. Something like this grabs our attention. It is just one of the many wonders of the world, in regards to the Lord and His creation. A… Read Article →
You are truly blessed if you have a great home. As I look backward, I can say that my home life was a great time of my life. If I got stuck in my math, my Dad came to my rescue. In Junior High School (what is now Middle School) the school tried a… Read Article →
You like to think that what you are doing is making a difference in your world. You do not want to be busy, just passing away time. You do not want to spin your wheels and get nowhere. To be effective with your time it takes effort to ensure you are doing something… Read Article →
You like it when you know where you are going. Be it on a vacation trip, a business trip, errands around town, or your spiritual journey, knowing where you are going gives you a sense of tranquility. You like to know the end destination. It is those times, where you… Read Article →
There are times in your life when you would want to find that magic lamp. You know the one, where you rub the lamp and out comes a genie. The genie tells you that you have three wishes. To your heart’s desire you make that all important first wish. That sounds good, but… Read Article →
You know that when you do something wrong, you need to be man/woman enough to set the story straight. Admitting that you did wrong is good medicine. You feel better, and the other person has a higher appreciation for you as well. Sometimes when you ask for someone’s forgiveness, your confession is not… Read Article →
It is not long after you are born, that the emotion of anger may plague you. It is interesting, that some children, and even adults, deal with anger more than others do. Often times anger occurs, when the slightest event happens. You can control your anger. It does not have to possess you. … Read Article →
As you think of heaven, many thoughts come to mind. You think of aches and pains that exist on earth, that will be gone forever in heaven. You look forward to that deceased relative or friend that made a huge Christian impact in your life; you will see them again. As you read through… Read Article →
Do you remember the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? What a wonderful day in your life that moment was. You realized that you were a sinner and were separated from God. You, also, realized that the only way to have your sins forgiven was to accept Christ’s death on… Read Article →