You may have a different dream for your life than someone else. No matter what your dream may be, one thing for sure is that you want to get there by being successful. Success is measured differently by almost everyone, but the end result you want depends on just how well you achieve that goal… Read Article →
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Life seems to be getting worse and worse as time moves forward. This is seen in the products you buy. The manufacturers make products to be disposed of, instead of to be repaired. Even the culture in which you live stresses the attitude that all you need to do is just do enough to get… Read Article →
Life is full of opportunities. No matter which way you turn, the course of your life will be affected by the decisions you make. If you make unwise choices, your life will turn out completed different than when you make wise choices. As you evaluate the lives of people, either living or dead, you notice… Read Article →
Home is that place where you can relax and just be yourself. It has a serene, security that no other place on earth holds. I once heard a scholarly pastor tell his congregation, “I do not care how scholarly my children think I am, but one thing I want is for them to think of… Read Article →
Many believers find themselves living the Christian life, but feeling little or no peace. Their life is filled with uncertanities. No matter what they do, they do not have the peace of Jesus in their life. There are several reasons that could attribute to this. One reason is that person is living the life of… Read Article →
You may say that you have met a few fools in your life. The main problem with a fool is that he/she does not know that he/she is a fool. One thing for sure, you cannot convince someone who is a fool that he/she is one. C. Colton compares the wise person to the fool,… Read Article →
If you are married, then you are wise if you realize that your wife is your better half. She is the one who makes you the man you are. That Godly wife supports you and loves you more than any other person on earth. She has your best interests at heart. Time and time again… Read Article →
You strive to be on top of your profession, your relationship with Christ, etc. The truth be known, you excel to be the number one person in just about everything you do. With that attitude comes a certain amount pride. All anyone has to do is to ask you, and you will tell them just… Read Article →
When you became a Christian, you realized that Sunday was a day to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. That fact is one of the first things that a new believer learns. So, you attend church and make it a priority in your life. If you are not careful, you live for Christ on Sunday but… Read Article →
When you want to know something about a subject, you do some research. You read everything you can get your hands on about that topic. The deeper you dig into the information you desire, the more knowledge you have about that area of interest. When you want to grow in the knowledge of the Bible,… Read Article →