So many areas of your life are determined by the amount of effort that you put into them. Often, the difference between you accomplishing your goal and not achieving your goal, is directly related to the energy that you put into achieving it. Success is often measured by how much work you put into a… Read Article →
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When you were a child, you wanted to have lots of friends. You would envy that child, that you knew, who had a ton of friends. It seemed they would laugh, play, and just have the grandest time when they were all together. That person seemed to have the world by the tail. As you… Read Article →
You are well aware of being told by preachers and other Christians, that you are not to be a silent witness. There is a time when words to share the plan of salvation are required, in fact, when they are mandatory. As the Holy Spirit leads, you open your mouth and the Lord uses those… Read Article →
You are well aware of being told by preachers and other Christians, that you are not to be a silent witness. There is a time when words to share the plan of salvation are required, in fact, when they are mandatory. As the Holy Spirit leads, you open your mouth and the Lord uses those… Read Article →
Everyone just loves Friday. The student loves it, because the weekend is near; there is no school and free time is near. The person in the workplace loves it, because a busy week is ended; there will be no work and free time is near. Every man, woman, boy, and girl loves having time to… Read Article →
You do not have to travel long on earth, until you realize that every day of your life is not lived on the mountain top. There are days, when you do not feel your best, to say the least. You look up and see the bottom of the barrel. Those days come and go, but… Read Article →
When you get a gift, you like for it to be something new. In fact, you like new things more than used things. There is just something about the newness that gives you pleasure. You like new clothes, new cars, reading a new book, seeing a new movie, and on it goes. The freshness of … Read Article →
When you start school, you are so excited. You just can’t wait to be a school boy or girl. Those first few days in school are filled with joy and anticipation. It is there that the learning process begins. You learn those 3 R’s – reading, writing, and arithmetic. You are well on your way… Read Article →
Let’s go back in time to when you were a young child. You can remember playing with your friends and you have all kinds of great memories of your childhood. The problem is, though, that not all your childhood memories are pleasant. Among the many uplifting memories are some dark clouds. Dark clouds, of children… Read Article →
Remember, the nursery rhyme about the little red train going up the hill. The engine just kept saying, “I think I can! I think I can!” Finally, the little red train makes it up the hill and is on its way. This stresses the importance to little childhood minds of them thinking positively. Somewhere after… Read Article →