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Do you remember your first day of school?  You were so excited that you were going to be in school.  Your zeal consumed you.  Do you remember going into high school?  There your zeal escalated as you could not wait to be a high school student.  Again, how about that first job?  You had zeal… Read Article →

Dark clouds are a part of life.  You like the sunny, warm days, but those dark, dreary days occur also.  That dark cloud in your life may be a change in a career;  or the loss of a loved one;  or having to move across the country because of work,  or a number of other… Read Article →

Your life is full of so many activities.  You spend the majority of your day filled with school activities or work commitments.  At the end of the day, you are tired and want a little relaxation time.  After all, if you do not get your rest you cannot perform to your fullest the next day…. Read Article →

You want so much to have the Lord answer that special prayer request.  You have researched the Word of God and feel that your prayer request is biblical.  Yet, as you pray and pray, God seems to either not be listening or that He has forgotten about you.  Either way, the answer seems to elude… Read Article →

You have an opportunity set before you.  It may well be something positive that you have looked forward to doing.  It may be an answer to prayer.  It could be something material or immaterial, but the fact lies in that it is a step forward for you. Or, just maybe there is some monumental hurdle… Read Article →

Unbelievers know very little or no Scripture.  Besides, they do not possess the Holy Spirit to teach them what the Word of God means.  They are left to their own reasoning, which is often based on the world in which they live. You play a key role in some unbeliever’s life.  Like it or not,… Read Article →

The Holy Bible has much to say about you being prosperous.  In some Bible verses it talks about believers being rich.  So, when you look at many preachers on television, they preach how God wants you to be materially prosperous with the world’s goods.  Material wealth, they say, is directly proportional to your spirituality. Nothing… Read Article →

You may be single, looking for that marriage partner, or you may be already married.  The fact is, when you marry someone, your whole life changes.  Instead of living by yourself or with a roommate, you now have a marriage partner. When you enter into marriage you quickly realize your mate is not superman or… Read Article →

There is a time that you need to just stop and take action.  Yes, I know I am the guy who says that you need to wait on God to lead you.  That is very true, but there is a time, when you need to stop waiting and praying, and you need to take action…. Read Article →

As you ponder that title, several places come to your mind.  You may be thinking of that great family vacation you took to the Caribbean, or to the mountains, or to a lake.  You may not be thinking about a vacation at all.  Your thoughts may focus your attention on some great spiritual encounter you… Read Article →

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