I know what you are saying. I am content serving the Lord by going to church and reading my daily devotions. The thought of serving the Lord in a ministry capacity is furthest from your mind. Go back in time with me to your childhood and your adolescent… Read Article →
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Perhaps you remember, as a child, that your parents gave you an allowance. You would do some work around the house and be rewarded with some money. You would ask if there was anything else you could do to increase the money you would make. That philosophy carries over… Read Article →
Apathy is a big killer in life. When you are apathetic, you have no interest in something. To go along with apathy, there is often a lack of concern. The attitude is, “Who cares?” It is impossible to get to a place where you will contribute anything to a cause…. Read Article →
You really enjoy times when you can laugh and carry on a conversation that brings you happiness. From time-to-time you say things that you had rather not say. You put your foot in your mouth, as people in the South say. You engage your mouth before thinking about the words…. Read Article →
Giving is not something that comes naturally to you. When you were a child, you wanted everything you put your hands on. Words such as, “Mine!” and “Let me have that!” were words you often said, without someone teaching them to you. You did not want to share. As time progressed, you learned… Read Article →
At first glance at that title, you probably think that I am talking nonsense. After all, you are born in the flesh and you will die in the flesh. David in the Psalms reminds you that you were born in sin. Scripture tells you throughout that you are a sinner,… Read Article →
Can you believe it? All the events of 2022 will shortly be in the record books. The year 2022 is coming to a close. It all ends this coming Sunday. With 2022 ending, how are we to welcome and make sure 2023 will be a great year for… Read Article →
There is something to be said about living in the moment. After all, you cannot change what you have done in the past, and the future is not within your power to control. So, it just makes sense to make the best of the here and now. That being said, to do your… Read Article →
Whenever you think of Christmas, your mind thinks about some gift you gave or received. You may have had the pleasure of giving someone a treasured gift. When they received it, it was the perfect gift. It was exactly what they wanted. Putting the shoe on the other foot, you… Read Article →
This Sunday is Christmas Day. What a joyful day it is, indeed. Presents are given. Those hoped for presents you wanted become a reality. There is time spent with family. For family gatherings at this time of the year, will occur with some family members only on that day… Read Article →