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          You start going to school at a young age and continue going to school for a long time.  The end point for your schooling may be high school, college, graduate school, which may even include a doctoral degree.  No matter how much education you have all throughout life, there always seems like there is… Read Article →

          As you study your Bible, you come across some verses that just do not make sense to you.  You read them over and over again, but still you do not understand them.  Even when time passes between your reading of certain verses, they still confuse you.             As you study your Bible, certain verses… Read Article →

           When you became a Christian, your supreme desire was to grow in your faith.  You realized that to accomplish this, you needed to know more about what the Bible teaches.  The fact is, you had a craving for biblical knowledge.  You just could not get enough Bible reading.             As time passed, that… Read Article →

          On a regular basis you offer up prayers to Jesus.  The bottom falls out of your life, so you pray.  You are having a bad day, so you pray.  You get some unsettling news, so you pray.  Your emotional life is a wreck, so you pray.  No matter what emotional or spiritual low occurs… Read Article →

          You go from day-to-day with the hope that it will be a day full of glad tidings.  This is especially true as the Christmas Season draws near.  Everywhere you look people are going here and there, all seeking that perfect gift to give to someone special on Christmas Day.  When that special someone opens… Read Article →

          Before looking into having a good home, let’s set something straight.  Everyone has a home.  If you are married with children, you draw your attention to having a good home.  But if you are married, without children, the place you sleep is your home.  And it may come to your surprise, even if you… Read Article →

          Very few days go by without a thought or two of discouragement.  It is not those days, in which the passing thought seems to just come and go quickly, that seems to bother you.  It is those days where the bottom falls out of your life, and stays that way for days, weeks, or… Read Article →

          You may think that being a Godly leader is related to your pastor or elder in your church.  And, of course, it also includes all the church deacons.  You are very true.  It does include all of them.             But a Godly leader is more than some position one holds in church.  As a… Read Article →

          You work hard to do your best.  Day-after-day, you hit the road running.  You are good at what you do and notice that the more you do, the more others put on your plate.  After a while, your batteries seem to be running low and your performance begins to suffer.             What is true… Read Article →

          One of the greatest feelings in your life is when something fantastic happens to you.  You get a huge refund from Uncle Sam that was totally unexpected.  At work, you receive an increase in pay.  Not only is it unexpected, but it will make all the difference in the world in your standard of… Read Article →

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