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            You may attend a church that has a Praise Band.  The band plays songs with Christian lyrics and the congregation goes wild.  They clap their hands.  They dance in the aisles.  If a uniformed visitor were to visit, he/she may have a hard time worshipping.  They would not be able to get past all… Read Article →

            Too many people put too much emphasis on outward appearances.  Their focus is on looking their best.  The clothes they wear, and how they are perceived by others is all that is important to them.  They do nothing to become a better person.  Everything is about how they are perceived by other people.            … Read Article →

            It was the words in the Bible, that made a significant change in your life.  Remember that day when you became a Christian.  Never let that day get too far away from your memory bank.  It is easy, as you mature in Christ, to forget that glorious day you entered the kingdom of God. … Read Article →

            There are numerous times in our life when we hear someone say, “Just grow up!”  At that point, we know we have not handled a situation well.  The hard part of that advice is that it has no age barrier. Those words can be told to us as teenagers, young adults, and among older adults. … Read Article →

            Throughout our earthly pilgrimage, every life change we make, draws with it our hope of a better life.  Graduation, from elementary school to junior high school, we set our sights on a better school experience.  From junior high school to high school, our desire is that school will be much better.  And then graduation,… Read Article →

            At the beginning of this year, why not get serious in your relationship with Christ?  You know deep down inside that you need to have a closer relationship with Him.  Have a deeper faith in Christ will not just happen.  The ball is in your court, and you are the one who must put… Read Article →

            Well, say goodbye to 2023.  It is gone forever.  You might look back over last year and think, “Goodbye and good riddance.”  Last year may have been a hard year for you.  It could have been filled with memories you wish to forget.             Or, last year could have possible been a fantastic year… Read Article →

            We don’t have to live our lives for very long, until those joyous days turn into times of low tide.  We may be on that mountaintop of joy for several days, or maybe, even several weeks.  At a time when we least expect it, the bottom falls out from underneath our life.             What… Read Article →

            Christ told His disciples that Satan has control of this earth, for the time being.  Satan can rule this earth and do what he wants.  Satan ravages the people on earth, both Christian and unbeliever.  He does this, although, because Christ allows him this dominance.  Christ allows Satan to rule, but Satan knows that… Read Article →

            As you well know, anyone can be a good leader when life is going well.  When life is on easy street, anybody in a leadership position, can be successful.  Some skills are important, but most anybody can be successful under those conditions.             The time to find out the leadership skills of someone, is… Read Article →

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