No question about it. One of the most popular topics among Americans is the topic of success. Go to any bookstore or go to and search the key word “success” and a ton of books will become visible. Not only is success a hot topic in written literature, but also look at the vast… Read Article →

Probably one of the hardest things you can do today is humbly accept a compliment. Most of the time when you hear a compliment, your head swells, your chest puffs out, your thinking constantly reviews the compliment, and in short you think too highly of yourself. Your ego takes over and your clear thinking is… Read Article →

You are a Christian and you want to make an impact for Jesus Christ. What is the key to making an impact for Christ in your daily life? The key seems to lie in doing God’s will in your life daily. The Lord Jesus has a plan for your life, and when you follow His… Read Article →

You may think that it really doesn’t matter how you live your life. If you were to explain, you might even say you are the only one involved in your activity. This is seldom if ever the case. Almost without exception your actions have visible consequences. Granted, the consequences may not surface for quite some… Read Article →

We, Americans, are a strange breed. They want to feel independent and self-sufficient but at the same time care deeply what others think. A lot of people will say that they do not care what others think of them, but when isolation and rejection enter their lives they seem to care deeply what others think…. Read Article →

When you are in unfamiliar territory, you often seek guidance from others. If you are planning a big vacation, sometimes you seek the advice of a tour guide. In school, when you are undecided on a major to pursue, the help of a career guidance counselor is often helpful. Guidance to solve the knotty issues… Read Article →

Our society oozes with the philosophy of success. From the time you can remember you are constantly encouraged to be the best and be successful in everything you do. It does not matter if it is in school, in personal achievement, the job, and even in your recreation, you are driven to success. It has… Read Article →

Have you ever stopped and taken an in depth look at how you really are? How do you treat other people? How do you respond to difficulties? These questions get you looking at who you really are deep inside yourself. These probing questions get you to see the real you. I am not talking about… Read Article →

Sometimes it is good to stop and take a close internal examination of who you really are. Start with the good points; they will be less painful. Make a list of your positive character traits. In the next column, make a list of your negative characteristics. This will take some serious and deeply honest introspection…. Read Article →

Once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, everything changes. Your eternal destiny changes, your love for God and His Word changes, your ability to understand the Bible changes, your friends change, and on it goes. Now, when you pick up the Holy Bible and read it, it makes sense to you and… Read Article →

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