You are a leader, even if you do not see yourself as a leader. In your earthly family others look to you from time to time to assist them in determining what to do in a certain situation. On your job you have to make some decisions, with some being more often than not, that… Read Article →
You want to be a success in your life pursuits. You want your occupation to be successful. You want your spiritual life to be successful. If married, you want to succeed there. In fact, anything you are involved in this life you want to be a success. Success is a hot topic in the society… Read Article →
You spend a lot of time attending classes while in school. Your time there is spent listening to lectures, reading in and out of class, and doing homework. If you fail to do any one of these, then your grades in school suffer. A lot of people no longer grow intellectually after they get out… Read Article →
To a large degree, society influences you as to your behavior. It is hard for the Christian to live in the USA but not participate in its behavior. The biblical command to live a life separate from the culture in which you live is not too uncommon with the cultural gap the biblical believers had… Read Article →
You have plans for your future. Those plans may be financial goals, occupational goals, relationship goals, spiritual goals, or some other goal. Whatever the goal may be, the fact is there is some driving force in your life that motivates you to do the things you do on a day-to-day basis. Doing that, from day… Read Article →
The world in which you live seems to have as one of its rules to follow—hurry up and wait. This code of conduct permeates the culture in which you live. You experience it at work where your boss gives you an urgent deadline only for much time to follow before it is addressed. The drive… Read Article →
You like to live each day of your life when it is free from emotional and mental stress. There are several ways to accomplish this: recite Scripture to yourself, be around positive people, always look for something good in every situation, know every bad situation will in some way be turned into something good by… Read Article →
You like to have at least a few good friends. Friends are people that share something in common with you and you enjoy their company. Friendships start when you are just a little fellow but they play an important part in your life while your earthly pilgrimage continues. You may wonder just how do I… Read Article →
It did not take you very long in life to learn that when you buy something, the cost of the item most of the time, is indicative of the quality of the product. The more expensive items usually are the higher quality items. What is true in the material world is also true in the… Read Article →
Everyone wants to be successful in the life they live while here on earth. Your definition of work may vary greatly from someone else’s definition. The fact remains though that you visualize some lifestyle in which you strive to achieve that which in your estimation is a successful life. Charlie (Tremendous) Jones was a highly… Read Article →