You have so many decisions to make on a daily basis.  Should you read a certain book that seems interesting, but its content may cause your mind to think on things which will negatively impact your walk with Christ?  Does that relationship with a specific person bring you closer to Christ and should you spend… Read Article →

You have probably met someone who has a lot of schooling, but knows very little about application.  You have to not only know facts, but also be able to take those facts and use them in everyday practice.  It is the application of knowledge that is important, not knowledge in and of itself. In a… Read Article →

From your childhood you learned, that to accomplish anything, you must keep at the task until it is finished.  As you entered your first year in school, you were excited about being a student.  It did not take long though, until you were ready for Summer.  You knew you had to stay in school until… Read Article →

You pray on a daily basis.  You pour your heart out to God and ask Him to do many things.  You may feel a sense of pride in not asking God for many things in your own life, but in asking God to intercede in the lives of others.  You justify your behavior by claiming… Read Article →

You go through your life needing a little bit more of this and a little bit more of that.  The most significant area of life where you feel you need a little more is in regards to your money.  No matter how much you have, you always seem to need a little more.  It does… Read Article →

You may spend more time, than you would like, feeling in the dumps.  You would like to have the joy of the Lord, but it seems to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; it is forever illusive.  The harder you try to not think about the emptiness, the deeper that… Read Article →

You strive throughout life to be successful, and thus receive huge rewards.  While in school, you work hard at making good grades to be rewarded with a job that gives you a good salary.  In that job, you focus on doing your very best, in order that, you can make more money. What is true… Read Article →

As you become interested in investing your money to grow and make more money, you quickly learn that one secret is to maximize compound interest.  The higher the compound interest, then the more money you can make in the shortest period of time. Using your spiritual gifts (yes, you have at least one and probably… Read Article →

You face, on a consistent basis, the onslaught of critical comments.  It does not matter what your occupation is, the fact that you are confronted with criticism is a sure bet.  Your criticism may occur frequently or infrequently, but the surety of it happening is a reality. A man once approached Charles M. Alexander, R…. Read Article →

You move from one day of your life to another, often with no sense of personal fulfillment.  Life seems like a real drag. There is no sense of direction guiding you along.  At the end of every day, you feel as though you are not thriving, but only striving. The Lord God never intended you… Read Article →

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