Often times you get caught up in just making it through the day.  If you are not careful, your daily activity will be nothing more than going from one activity to another.  You do not look for opportunities that may offer themselves.  You are so focused on the here and now, that a better opportunity… Read Article →

You often find yourself in a place where you just need to put your head down and continue doing what you are doing.  Otherwise, you will get distracted and get off course from your goal(s).  This best advice you can give yourself is to just keep on trucking.  Yes, you know that you are doing… Read Article →

You can always tell what your priorities are by reviewing your checkbook and your daily planner.  Where you spend your money and how you use your time, are a fantastic barometer for determining your priorities.  It doesn’t really matter what you say or what you think your priorities may be.  Those two tools will reveal… Read Article →

From those first words you spoke while in diapers, until today, your day is full of words, and lots of them.  No matter who you are, your daily activities are full of one word after another.  You use words in school, at work, at home, in your leisure time, and all those times in between. … Read Article →

I know what you are thinking:  “Robin, have you lost your mind?”  Stay with me for a few moments and hear me out.  That familiar verse in 1 Thess. 5:17, “pray without ceasing,” still holds true today.  Believe you me, I know the importance of prayer and I am a prayer warrior for personal needs… Read Article →

Certain things are just a certainty in life, like moving away from home; like getting an occupation; like taxes; like getting older.  And yes, like death. This past Sunday, I attended the funeral services of a dear friend.  Her pilgrimage on this earth was eighty years.  Among her many earthly accomplishments, she was a MENSA. … Read Article →

Look around you and observe the people who seem to have the most friends.  They are the same people who others think have the world by the tail.  That is the individual who is the life of the party and everyone loves to be around.  No matter how bad your day may be, just a… Read Article →

Everything you see in the culture around you screams the importance of me.  The magazine entitled Self just shows the theme of the present time.  Books by the hundreds come out each year focused on self-help and self-improvement.  Today’s social media is focused on helping you do this or that; it is all about self…. Read Article →

If you ask some people what is the key to their success, they will tell you being at the right place at the right time.  Others may say that their success is knowing the right people to help them succeed.  These may be true, but the theme that most important inventors, business professionals, and even… Read Article →

When you become a Christian, your life takes on a totally different perspective.  You become more aware of sin in your life.  You experience the need to confess sin to the Lord Jesus.  At that same time, an awareness becomes evident in you that God is molding you to become more and more like Jesus… Read Article →

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