You probably attend the church you do for a number of reasons.  One of the primary reasons, is most probably, that you like the pastor.  Your pastor has a heavy responsibility on him.  He must answer to God for his leadership of the flock that God has given Him under his care. In days past,… Read Article →

There are numerous things that are best expressed in your life by your lifestyle vice verbally affirming.  Love is one such characteristic.  Yes, it is good to tell someone that you love them, but for those words to really mean something to someone else, requires actions to back the words.  Telling someone that you are… Read Article →

You realize that in order to work at an occupation for the rest of your life, you should enjoy it.  You may be one of those unfortunate people that are just existing at your job and doing anything but enjoying it.  For the total number of years, you must work before you enter retirement; it… Read Article →

You are probably like most people and want to fit into the group.  You like it when you have the approval of others.  When you are different, it makes you feel uncomfortable.  Peer pressure holds you tight, whether you admit it or not.  You like the feeling of being one with the crowd. As a… Read Article →

You want your life to be happy, and you want to make other people happy.  You have met too many people who are unhappy and make the people they are around unhappy.  Your desire is to be joyful and to make others joyful. That leads you to wonder just how you can be a joy… Read Article →

During your earthly pilgrimage, you face numerous dark episodes.  Your life is full of disappointing events.  Some of the challenges that life has brought your way leaves you wondering exactly why you had to experience them.  Perhaps, the ultimate dark shadow of life, though, is your departure from this life to the next. As you… Read Article →

You know that you are a Christian.  You want to go to heaven, but you want to enjoy life, here on earth, to its fullest before going heavenward.  You know, you want to get your ticket to heaven but not take this religious thing too far.  You want to enjoy as much as you can… Read Article →

You come to that place in your life when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Everything is going great.  Then out of the blue you begin to doubt that you are saved.  Those feelings that you had when you accepted Christ as Savior have left.  You no longer feel like you are… Read Article →

You like to know what lies ahead.  At Christmas, you have that friend that just has to know what presents they have before it is time to open them.  This tendency starts at very early age.  Young children are so excited the day before Christmas, that they get little sleep.  Knowing what the future may… Read Article →

You know that living here on planet earth is anything but a life of total love and harmony.  You seek harmony with everyone you come into contact with, but the achievement of that goal seldom occurs.  There always seems to be that one person that destroys your harmony. Lady Astor and Churchill didn’t get along. … Read Article →

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