Everything is going smooth in your life; then chaos breaks out.  You cannot make sense, if you are coming or going.  To make matters worse, several areas of your life fall apart all at once.  You find yourself losing sight of your objective and not accomplishing much. You are not alone.  Confusion occurs in your… Read Article →

Let’s focus on your spiritual life for a minute.  You want to do great things for God.  In your mind’s eye there is a picture of some great ministry or service to do for the Lord.  In fact, you may even be striving to do that right now. A quote that may help is this:… Read Article →

You have a goal in mind and want to obtain it.  This is something that you feel passionate about.  You feel that if you would have this in your life,  your life would be so much better.  Your heart’s desire is to make this happen in your lifetime. No sooner do you work toward making… Read Article →

Perhaps, you try not to think about you dying.  You have so much that you want to do before life on earth is ended.  Your love for your children and grandchildren motivates you to experience so many things with them.  You enjoy life and want to live on as long as you can. One realization… Read Article →

Your life is going well, then out of the blue the bottom falls out of your life.  It may be the loss of your job.  It may a turn in your health.  It may a heated dispute between you and a family member or your boss.  No matter what the circumstances, hard times are sure… Read Article →

When you are in school, you just can’t wait to get out so you can get a job and make money.  While you are in the workforce, that desire to make a little more money prevails.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting more money, so long as that thirst is not something that consumes… Read Article →

You try your hardest to live a good life.  You try to do what is best for yourself and for other people.  But no matter how hard you try, someone seems to always say something negative.  The more you try to remedy the situation, the worse it seems to get. Plato was a philosopher whose… Read Article →

You do not want to go through life by merely existing.  You want to make an impact in some way during your earthly journey.  You would like to make a huge impact but realize that a small measure is probably more realistic. In order to make any impact, you wonder just how you may go… Read Article →

You have dreams and aspirations that you want to accomplish in your life.  They are the result of your personal desires and what others tell you that you should do.  You have spent a lot of time thinking about them and pursuing them. You desired those pursuits often without seeking the Lord’s advice.  God’s plan… Read Article →

There are certain areas of your life about which you know a great deal.  That knowledge is either from books or from practical experience.  The more you pursue that topic, the better informed you become.  If you study long enough and hard enough, you may become an expert.  To gain that amount of knowledge takes… Read Article →

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