The place you work has some goals they establish at the beginning of the year to be completed by the end of the year.  If you are a student, you know what classes you must take each semester to one day graduate.  Keeping those milestones, that need to be accomplished, in view helps you reach… Read Article →

From the time you began to talk, you began asking questions.  In fact, asking questions was how you learned.  You would ask a question and an adult would give you the answer.  Seldom did you ask a question without an answer being given.  As you entered adolescence, questioning again hits a peak.  During these years,… Read Article →

When you think of moving upward in your Christian life, what do you think of?  Being on a worship team in your church?  Being a teacher of a large class at church?  Being selected as a deacon?  Those are all good goals, but they are not necessarily what the Bible teaches about moving up spiritually…. Read Article →

You may think that if you were to have an abundance of 24 karat gold nuggets, that you would be truly rich.  Material wealth is needed, but learning how to live your life successfully is much more important.  The news is filled with people who win the lottery worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and… Read Article →

You are not a Christian long before you learn that in order to live the Christian life, you must do so in the power of the Holy Spirit.  As you study your Bible and learn more about the Christian life, you learn that all of the Christian life and ministry is a direct result of… Read Article →

It does not take long before you learn that being a winner is better than being a loser.  Your genes push you toward wanting to be at the top.  That passion may be stronger in you than in others, or the opposite may be true.  But everyone likes to succeed in some area of their… Read Article →

You do a good job and expect that others will see your work and appreciate you for it.  This is especially true in your service to the Lord.  At your secular job, you would like those over you to notice your good work and compliment you for it.  But you, also, realize that your superiors… Read Article →

You can think back over your life and remember the time you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  That experience will forever be in your mind.  It changed so much of your life.  It changed not only the way you live on earth, but also your eternal destiny.  This act of salvation by… Read Article →

Before you think about the duties of your pastor, think for a moment about his position in the church.  You are bombarded by numbers everywhere you look.  In the music world you are directed to the top 100 songs, or, maybe, even to the top ten.  In football and baseball, the emphasis is on having… Read Article →

In all areas of life, obstacles seem to show their ugly heads.  It does not matter if you are a student, a career person, married, single, or retired, these obstacles occur.  It just seems to be part of life here on earth. Obstacles take different forms.  They range from minor irritations to down and out… Read Article →

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